Would you be willing to offer your home for short-term foster care (one to two months) of cats or dogs to assist a local animal shelter?

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Since some of you have inquired about Moses "The Great One," here are two recent pix of my 13-year-old best friend.

Out on a hike, heading into the North Woods to track deer and look for Cooper Hawk feathers. Of all the technology at my disposal, nothing comes close to helping me truly understand what's going on at my feet than what this feline senses at every turn through a deep, natural attachment to the earth. I struggle to understand.


Tracy said...

Finally, I get a glimpse of the revered one! He's beautiful and obviously very intelligent.

amharach said...

He's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

NICE picture of "the Great One" BEAUTIFUL!

Jan Luoma said...

The ways animals can communicate with us are awesome. We just need to use our own underdeveloped senses and instincts the way they do.

Anonymous said...

My cats pretended to be spiritual and close to the earth. In reality, they were lazy bums who wanted me to feed them and rub their tummies.